Please return to the main Newsletters Page to choose a particular year.
- December Meeting: Holiday Party “Home for the Holidays”
- “Irish Research, A Timely Topic” by Alice Braud-Jones
- BAGS Quarterly Update from Susie Ganch
- “… and At a Really Good Price” – Forum Magazine – submitted by Alice Braud-Jones
- Ancestors of Oletia Booker Teas
- November Meeting: “For the Settling of My Temporal Estate: Using Probate Records in Genealogy” with Emily Croom
- BAGS Annual Holiday Dinner Party by Claudia Grafton
- “Hurricane Help” Society of Southwest Archivists
- “Chasing our Tales, Thanksgiving on Plymouth Rock” by Hattie Axtell (Howland) McKinley
- Ancestors of Renee Ambermann (Ball)
- October Meeting: “German Research with Updates from Germany” with Wolfram M. Von-Maszewski
- “A Final Note” by Neil Miserendino
- Annual Holiday Dinner Party Planning (Dec 16)
- Ancestors of Renee Amberman (Ball)
- New Officers Sworn In
- September Meeting: “American Revolutionary War Pensions” with Mr. Kim Morton
- “George Washington’s Family Tree” by Neil Miserendino
- BAGS Officers-Elect 2005-2007
- “A VERY FOND FAREWELL” by Claudia Grafton
- Special notice on BAGS meeting venue
- Ancestors of Alice Wynn Braud (Jones)
- Members Offer a “Show & Tell” Time Experience
- August Meeting: Member Show & Tell and Potluck Supper
- “Reference Guides to Newspapers” by Neil Miserendino
- “Texas Pioneers Honored” by Bill Teas
- Ancestors of Darwin Lee Gilmore
- “From Polly’s Kitchen”
- July Meeting: “The DNA Project” with Max Blankfeld
- Election of Officers for 2005-07
- “Reference Guides to Newspapers” by Neil Miserendino
- “Why Volunteer?” by Susie Ganch
- Ancestors of Emma Lou Cline (Gilmore)
- Photos from Roy Hellen’s retirement reception
- June Meeting: “Library Resources as Finding Aids for Genealogists” with Marje Harris
- “Introduction to City Directories” by Neil Miserendino
- “Posting of Queries” by Leo Waltz
- Ancestors of Pauline Jual McGinnis (Wilson)
- May Meeting: Using Maps in Genealogy with Emily Croom
- “Texas Land Grant Search” by Neil Miserendino
- “French-Canadian Research” by Richard Eastman
- “Harris County Archives” by Judy Henderson
- Ancestors of Paula Ann Hoskins (Sinning)
- April Meeting: “Land Records and Deed Finding Aids” Loretta “Tommy” Burns
- “Topographic Maps” by Neil Miserendino
- “BAGS Website Activity” by Leo Waltz
- Amendment to BAGS Constitution and Bylaws
- “Thanks for the Memories”
- Ancestors of Harriet Jane Axtell (McKinley)
- Cancellation of March meeting
- Freeman Library Exhibit “Genealogy is…” – March 2005
- “How Do You Spell Your Name?” by Neil Miserendino
- “The Restoration of Sandy Point Cemetery” by Melodey M. Hauch
- Ancestors of Ronald G. Cox
- February Meeting: Second Annual Question & Answer Session “Finding Aids: Around and Through Those Brick Walls” Marje Harris and Robert de Berardinis
- “When WAS That Photo Taken?” by Neil Miserendino
- Amendment to BAGS Constitution and Bylaws
- “Jasper Redden McCoy” by Alice Braud-Jones
- Ancestors of Lynda Kay Clegg (Cox)
- January Meeting: Writing Your Family History – Beginning with the Box “From Overwhelming Junk into a Written History”
- “Identifying Photographs” by Neil Miserendino
- “2004 BAGS Holiday Celebration” by Linda Goerland
- Seminar — Using Genealogical Records by Dick Warren
- Ancestors of Betty Ann Cook (Little)
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